How to get your Tattoos
To get your Tattoos, you need to go in the Tattoo & Rune Map in NosVille to craft the scroll related to the Tattoo you want.
There are 5 Tattoo Scrolls : Bear, Snake, Lion, Eagle Loa & Corrupt Shadow Tattoo Partern.
Each of them gives different Tattoos. After crafting the scroll you want, you need to "Receive" this scroll in the second tab of the NPC. It will give you a random Tattoo from the "type" of the scroll you used. If the Tattoo you received doesn't suit you, you can go in the third tab of the NPC, and simply use the Tattoo Removal button to get a new one.
How to Upgrade your Tattoos
You can upgrade your Tattoos to +9 maximum. It will increase the values of your Tattoo options. You can use the NPC to upgrade your Tattoos but you also have Tattoo Safeguard Scrolls. They prevent you from a possible downgrade of your Tattoo.
Upgrade Materials
Quality of Life
Increase Tattoo Preset
Loa Switch Crystal
Tattoo Switch Scroll
Note that you can't have the same Tattoo twice, this includes Tattoos on another preset.
List of All Tattoos
Bear Loa
Bear Stamina

Bear Strike

Blessed Pelt


Lightning Defence

Malleable Pelt

Spiky Leather


Snake Loa
Attack Magic


Curse Power

First Strike

Elemental Shield

Magic Armour

Snake Venom


Lion Loa
Accurate Strike

Attack Stance


Lion Claws

Lion Strike

Recuperative Healing

Sharp Claws
Strong Attack
Eagle Loa
Eagle Claws

Eagle Eyes

Eye for an Eye


Growing Experience

Piercing Gaze

Survival Instinct

Swift as the Wing

Corrupt Shadow Loa
Paimon's Shadow Energy